
Lotto or Lottery

Lotto a lottery, game of chance which is similar to bingo; government-run lottery in which players choose a series of numbers that are matched against the numbers selected in the official drawing.( there are several states that hold these gambling. Usually, they have to guess 7 of 45 or 50 numbers correct before casting lots ).

Vietnam Lottery results are based on Northern and Southern Vietnam lottery companies result.The results of Vietnam Lottery betting in Phnom Penh are based on the traditional Vietnam Lottery result.Lottery result are come out by a numbers of lottery companies.Lottery result from the company as known as "Hanoi" has 27 combinations, other lottery companies result have 18 combinations. When betting, just write down the numbers combination and selet the game type, if you choose on the right position and bet on the correct combination of numbers, you win.

Vietnam Lotto Company